Because we are part of nature, rather than separate from it, our bodies have innate rhythms that sync with daily, monthly, and seasonal cycles. When we acknowledge these rhythms and make choices to live in honor of them, we can increase our natural well-being and vitality in both physical and mental/emotional ways.
The science of chronobiology studies periodic activity in our physiology and our adaptations to modern living (artificial light from computers, for instance). Discover our culture’s symptoms and risks by time of day; learn about our monthly hormonal cycles and physical changes; and understand how seasonal rhythms affect our dietary and exercise needs and target systems (immune and nervous)."
Dr WendyLeigh White is a licensed naturopathic doctor and nutritionist who takes a “nature cure” approach to prevention and healing. She provides weight-neutral naturopathic care, non-diet nutritional counseling, and craniosacral work.She empowers everyone, especially those in... Read More →
Food is love. Food is life. Food is Magick. And the energies of food can guide us through our daily lives with simple and practical practices aligned with our greatest good. Have you ever thought there could be a deeper meaning to your food cravings, or why the smell of a fresh herbs feels connective to your ancestry? In this workshop we will take a deeper dive into the energy of food, how to take foods and use them for insight and mindfully practices. and the spiritual meanings of many popular, easily accessible ingredients. This workshop will include discussion and mediation.
Witching for a Warming Planet -- Climate change is the biggest thing affecting the planet we hold sacred. I'll share what I know after a decade of professional experience about where we are in the fight against climate change, and let's talk about what you can do as a witch -- both magically and mundanely -- to help meet the challenge.
A modern priestess and witch, part of the Church of the Knotted Ash, a Wicca-adjacent tradition originating in Buffalo New York. Coven leader for the Coven of the Red Fox in Northern Virginia.
Friday May 2, 2025 12:00pm - 1:30pm PDT
Yates319 SW Pine St, Portland, OR 97204, USA
Your body is a universe and in this two hour class, we'll explore that universe through a variety of body based practices that will lead you to deep relationship with your body and allow you to discover the full power and presence that is available when you create an intentional connection with the universe within.
Hi, I'm Taylor Ellwood—a magician, author, and researcher passionate about exploring the frontiers of modern magical practice. My work focuses on practical and experimental magic, pushing beyond traditional methods to develop new techniques that fit contemporary life.I've written... Read More →
Friday May 2, 2025 1:30pm - 3:00pm PDT
Yates319 SW Pine St, Portland, OR 97204, USA
What is shamanism? Where is it from? How exactly does one become a shaman? Anthropologists tell us that the word ""shaman"" derives from the Tungus language and traditions, but few people understand the full scope of what that means.
In this class, we will explore the unfamiliar landscapes of North Asia, the place where shamanism was born, and uncover the indigenous spiritual/shamanic traditions and beliefs of the Turkic, Mongol, and Tungusic peoples of North Asia. This comprehensive class will also cover North Asian shamanic cosmology/mythology, shamanic tools, and practical concepts/methods that attendees can incorporate in their own practices.
This class will largely draw from topics/themes from David's book ""Spirit Voices: The Mysteries and Magic of North Asian Shamanism""."
David Shi is a shamanic worker and folk magic practitioner who primarily engages in traditional North Asian forms of shamanism. He is primarily of Manchurian descent but can also trace ancestry to Mongolian, Chinese, Korean, as well as a little Tungus Siberian and ancient Central... Read More →
As the world continues the work of anti-racism and decolonization, the magickal community must actively engage in the same. It is not enough to simply light a candle for black lives and declare ourselves allies. We must look at the inherent racism that has been built into our own practices and beliefs and dismantle it. In this workshop we will focus on exoticism, cultural appropriation, and the demonization of BIPOC practices common to mainstream magickal communities. The goal is to engage in good faith discussion and begin the process of concrete change for the benefit of all.
This immersive class is designed for individuals seeking to deepen their spiritual journey through the art of tea blending. We'll explore the foundational elements of tea—from the basics of different types and understanding the tools needed for crafting the perfect blend. This workshop offers a practical approach to setting intentions and crafting tea blends, all tailored to enhance divination practices. Whether you're looking to embody the energy of tarot cards, shift your consciousness for deeper ancestral work, or simply enhance your intuition, this class provides the tools and knowledge to integrate the power of tea into your spiritual practice.
We will delve into techniques for using custom tea blends in various divination activities, including tarot readings, dream divination, and connecting with the spiritual realm. We will discuss creating your own tea and tarot correspondences, understand the energetics of herbs, with practical examples of blends. This workshop equips attendees with the skills to brew and serve tea that not only tastes wonderful but also carries powerful spiritual and metaphysical benefits.
Hekate is one of the most popular goddesses in modern Paganism...but who is she? Frequently known as a Goddess of ghosts, this liminal entity is also a patroness of fertility, healing, the cosmos, but most of all, Witchcraft. This class will explore the various attributes of Hekate, her history and mythology, and also how she can help Witches, today!
Courtney Weber is a Witch, award-winning author, Tarot adviser, and influencer. She is the author of Brigid: History, Mystery, and Magick of the Celtic Goddess; Tarot for One: The Art of Reading for Yourself; The Morrigan: Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might; Hekate: Goddess of Witches... Read More →