Saturday May 3, 2025 12:00pm - 1:30pm PDT
Ivan Richmond will present ideas and lead meditation from is new book, Religion of Good: A Spiritual Guide for Ethical Individuals of Any Religion, which tackles the modern problem of realizing morality in the west, using a spiritual and mystical approach. If you’re like Ivan, you feel that neither philosophy, nor religious dogma, nor even intuition really gets at the heart of what’s good. Reason explodes into too many possibilities and definitions to make sense of the subject. There’s no way to verify religious dogma. Moral intuition only works if we all have the same intuition. As a Wiccan priest, he combines the Neoplatonic roots of the Western Mystery Tradition with his Wiccan training. Through myth, ceremony, and mysticism, climbing the Pythagorean Tetractys, we can move our minds from a material understanding of nature to a mystical vision of unity, and thereby of morality.
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Ivan Richmond

Ivan Richmond is the author of The Religion of Good: A Wiccan's Guide to Ethical Insight for Individuals of Any Religion or None. He is a Wiccan priest of 20 years, having 3rd degrees in both the Gardnerian and Waxing Moon traditions, the High Priest of Temple of Inanna and Dumuzi... Read More →
Saturday May 3, 2025 12:00pm - 1:30pm PDT

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