Saturday May 3, 2025 12:00pm - 1:30pm PDT
Have you ever felt emotionally drained after certain interactions or noticed lingering sadness or anxiety that won’t fade? Perhaps old habits or thoughts seem to block your growth and happiness. These are signs it’s time to cut energetic cords.

Energetic cords are invisible bonds that connect you to people, experiences, or emotions, often acting as channels for energy exchange. While some cords are positive, others can drain your energy and hinder well-being.

This workshop, rooted in the Mexican healing tradition of Curanderismo, teaches the art of cutting energetic cords. Through practices like limpias (spiritual cleansings) using eggs, herbs, and invocations, you’ll learn to break free from unwanted energetic ties and restore balance.

Explore techniques to sustain energetic health and step into a renewed sense of liberation and possibility, freeing yourself from the burdens of the past to embrace a vibrant future.
avatar for Wendy Mata

Wendy Mata

Founder, Bruja Power Botánica
Hello, my name is Wendy Mata I am a 5th generation Bruja Curandera by lineage and Initiated Mayan shaman, the founder of Bruja Power Botanica. After a successful career in tech, working for Fortune 500 companies, I retired to pursue my long lifetime passion of promoting the magical... Read More →
Saturday May 3, 2025 12:00pm - 1:30pm PDT
Yates 319 SW Pine St, Portland, OR 97204, USA

Attendees (5)

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