Saturday May 3, 2025 3:30pm - 5:30pm PDT
Discover potent ancient Egyptian techniques for deep connection with the Divine. The eternal act of making offering weaves connection between human and Divine, Divine and human. It is one of the most important ways we communicate with our Deities.

Hallowed by tradition and empowered by magic, offering was vital to ancient Egyptian worship. And it is just as important today.

As an active form of ritual prayer, offering enables us to participate directly in the creative energy of the universe—and in the sacred, living magic of the Great Egyptian Goddess Isis.

We’ll discuss the theory and practice of Egyptian offering rites, then we’ll participate together in a ritual that “Opens the Ways” to Isis as we make offering to Her—and receive blessings of power and protection from Her in return.

For a more on this presentation and ritual, just click.
avatar for M. Isidora Forrest

M. Isidora Forrest

Devotee, writer, ritualist
Hello, all! I'm looking forward to meeting you at Spirit Northwest. Let's talk about Egyptian offering rituals, the Great Goddess Isis, and then let's make some magic together. Here's my short bio so you know what I'm about: M. Isidora Forrest is the author of Isis Magic, Cultivating... Read More →

Saturday May 3, 2025 3:30pm - 5:30pm PDT
Queen Marie Ballroom

Attendees (2)

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