Saturday May 3, 2025 8:00pm - 10:00pm PDT
Temple of Inanna and Dumuzi will present a devotional to Inanna and Dumuzi, two of the oldest Deities of civilization, love, war, agriculture, herding, and sexuality. In ancient Sumer, non-binary gendered people were among the clergy who served Them.

In accordance with an ancient Sumerian hymn, we will distribute colored scarves to all, with first choice going to those who identify as trans or non-binary gender (queer, third gender, flexible, etc.) and we will all process through the hotel, praising the Goddess and God and asking for Their blessings on our civilization.

Please array yourself beautifully by your personal standards. Glamor, glitz, bling, high drag are especially appropriate, as is attire that expresses your ownership of your own Power: Inanna is not a modest or moderate Goddess. Be wondrous!
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Ivan Richmond

Ivan Richmond is the author of The Religion of Good: A Wiccan's Guide to Ethical Insight for Individuals of Any Religion or None. He is a Wiccan priest of 20 years, having 3rd degrees in both the Gardnerian and Waxing Moon traditions, the High Priest of Temple of Inanna and Dumuzi... Read More →
Saturday May 3, 2025 8:00pm - 10:00pm PDT
Queen Marie Ballroom

Attendees (6)

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