Saturday May 3, 2025 5:30pm - 7:00pm PDT
What if aging wasn’t a long, difficult road into invisibility and diminishment? What if we disrupted the idea that our value decreases as our age increases? What if we claimed the power of the crone? This workshop is for those who are in their crone years, those approaching that threshold, and the crone curious.

The image of the crone as an old scary hag was used to take power from wise elder women. Come be a part of the growing movement to reclaim the power and responsibility of the crone. Aging is a privilege and we can reinvent the image of the crone as a thriving, visible, and vocal woman.

Join us as we celebrate the wisdom gained from our experience. Let’s gather together to share the grief of what has passed from us, our rage at what lies around us, the challenges of this time in our life, and our capacity to live now and into the future with vitality and in connection. Let us explore all the ways we can move into this era of our life with vision and vigor.

avatar for Robin Murphy

Robin Murphy

Robin has been an active spiritual seeker for over 40 years. She serves as Priestess and teacher, performing life passage rituals, such as births, weddings, rite of passage blessings, and end of life celebrations. Robin also facilitates large and small group ceremonies, seasonal celebrations... Read More →
Saturday May 3, 2025 5:30pm - 7:00pm PDT
Yates 319 SW Pine St, Portland, OR 97204, USA

Attendees (2)

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