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Friday, May 2

8:30am PDT

Honoring Our Rhythms
Friday May 2, 2025 8:30am - 10:00am PDT
Because we are part of nature, rather than separate from it, our bodies have innate rhythms that sync with daily, monthly, and seasonal cycles. When we acknowledge these rhythms and make choices to live in honor of them, we can increase our natural well-being and vitality in both physical and mental/emotional ways.

The science of chronobiology studies periodic activity in our physiology and our adaptations to modern living (artificial light from computers, for instance). Discover our culture’s symptoms and risks by time of day; learn about our monthly hormonal cycles and physical changes; and understand how seasonal rhythms affect our dietary and exercise needs and target systems (immune and nervous)."
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WendyLeigh White ND

Licensed naturopathic doctor
Dr WendyLeigh White is a licensed naturopathic doctor and nutritionist who takes a “nature cure” approach to prevention and healing. She provides weight-neutral naturopathic care, non-diet nutritional counseling, and craniosacral work.She empowers everyone, especially those in... Read More →
Friday May 2, 2025 8:30am - 10:00am PDT
Queen Marie Ballroom
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