About me
I am an Eclectic Wiccan clergy member and National Interfaith Representative for the Covenant of the Goddess (CoG). I have been on my path for over 45 years. I started a coven I co-led for over 20 years before moving to Oregon. I have created material for the greater Pagan community via CoG. This includes suggestions for Pagan funeral rites (Merry Part) and a CoG timeline (cog.org). I had the honor of facilitating a workshop at the Parliament of the World Religions with five other wonderful Pagans and other helpers. I also created TikTok videos (Tuesday’s Topic) aimed at seekers for CoG (@cog_tiktoc). I am also the acting Action Team leader of the Earth-based Spirituality Action Team of Citizen’s Climate Lobby. CCL allows volunteers to lobby our representatives for meaningful climate change legislation easily. I realize that as a Pagan the journey is the point and I am always learning new things. I love meeting and learning from other Pagans (can you say extrovert), so, say hello!