About me
A Pacific Northwest Mom, Author and co-host of "That Witch Life" Podcast. Kanani Soleil (she/her) was born with a desire to learn the secrets of the universe and a fascination with different theologies. She actively sought out different paths and at twenty, she embraced witchcraft. She became a proud mother to the two souls whose spirits were with her for years, a daughter and a son who look and act just as they did in her visions. Her favorite incense is Nag Champa because it reminds her of outdoor markets. She describes herself as a suburban witch and her practice includes: candle magick, reading Tarot and working with lunar energies. She spent years volunteering with local pagan nonprofit organizations with a goal of building community. Her favorite phrase is “If you can’t stir with the big girls, stay away from the cauldron.” #soccermommorticia www.soccermommorticia.com.