About me
Dr WendyLeigh White is a licensed naturopathic doctor and nutritionist who takes a “nature cure” approach to prevention and healing. She provides weight-neutral naturopathic care, non-diet nutritional counseling, and craniosacral work.
She empowers everyone, especially those in larger bodies, to understand the interconnected systems of your body, and its specific needs. You will learn to tune in to the signals your body is telling you - only then can you give it what it needs to heal, thrive, and learn how not to follow in your family’s medical footprints.
Building from a “nature cure” philosophy (food, water, air, movement, relationships), she specializes in developing personalized lifestyle plans that align to your unique individual makeup and lifestyle.
You are a human, not a robot, and you don’t have to be perfect. You have built in resilience which allows you to make choices. Finding your optimum vitality is about making conscious decisions most of the time, not every time. She wants to empower you to abandon guilt and embrace your ability to live consciously. It’s that simple, and that powerful.